Monday, June 1, 2009

2 Percent

The political scene coming out of the most recent election has been interesting to say the least. Perhaps the most interesting thing about it has been watching the Republican party trying to find their identity. The thing that I just can not understand for the life of me is how Rush Limbaugh is developing to be their voice. Rush fucking Limbaugh.

I urge everyone to listen to this man when you can. His ratings are already fantastic and he is well compensated so I don't really feel like I am doing a disservice by suggesting that. You will never hear a more pompous, ego-centric, misled, hateful, ass in your lifetime. At times he can seem insightful as he outlines problems plaguing the United States and you start to think that, maybe, as he alleges, you have been misled by the "drive-by media". Then he will come to the conclusion of his rant as he always does; with a blanket statement assigning blame to, most often, liberals.

I, as well as tens of millions, refuse to take seriously an entertainer who can do no better in making a case than to use the weakest of debate arguments. Really? All the problems of the world are due to liberals? That's it? Black and white. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Conservatives and liberals. And he is serious. Well, actually, he's either serious or he is purposely misleading his audience. I haven't yet decided.

He is a fraud. There is no question about it. I know because he has told his audience and myself exactly what motivates me and my fellow Democrats when the things he says have never occurred to me once. He told me I only voted for Obama because I felt guilty about slavery. He told me that Obama and Democrats support Sotomayor because we would like an anti-Constitutionalist in the Supreme Court. He told me that I am a socialist. He told me that I want everyone to become poor so that the government can control my life. He's told me so many things about myself that only prove to me that the man is full of shit and doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.

But, he is good at what he does. He does an excellent job of "preaching to the choir", as it were. However, anytime he has stepped outside of his EIB bubble he has failed, but within that bubble he is god. There is an obvious reason for this, and the RNC would do well to pick up on this quickly, before they push away every sane person left in their party. Rush Limbaugh does not speak for your average man, Republican or Democrat. Everyone knows he is the most powerful man on the radio. How much power is that? The dudes' audience is roughly 2% percent of the population. 2 friggen percent. And I am being generous here because there are people like myself who tune in to listen to the ass-hat that he is. And don't forget the dreaded drive-bys.

2% and this is who the GOP leadership is catering too. You're talking people who cheer when Rush says he wants Obama to fail. The people who believe they are the only good guys in the country and everyone else hates America. The people who's only foreign policy idea is to invade every country that disagrees with us. The people who think they need to kick the moderates out of the party and become MORE conservative. This is the lunatic fringe of the party who is crying over every one of Obama's moves. It goes along with the joke about political pundits where whoever is the loudest must be right. The GOP is hurting right now, and unfortunately they are listening to the loudest voices, even though they are the most extreme of the party.

And that is a shame. I am a Democrat, as you must know by now. But a party that goes unchecked is a party that soon falls to deeper levels of corruption and bad policy. The Democrats need a strong Republican party to counter them. The Republicans recently were mulling over the idea of trying to get the Democrats to change their name to "The Democrat Socialist Party". Really, with everything they have going on that's what they are working on?

The sooner the RNC stops listening to the voice of Rush Limbaugh and starts listening to the people, the sooner they will recover and provide a counter to the Democrats. Lord knows the Green Party won't be able to assume that responsibility.

1 comment:

  1. wait a tick...this post has nothing to do with sandwiches or Pearl Jam at all?? (starts singing "Even Flow" including the guitar parts)
