Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Trustworthy Encyclopedia

If you're ever in the need of a good laugh, I strongly urge you to head on over to a little-known gem on the internet called Conservapedia. Seriously, anyone would enjoy the shenanigans and hi-jinx contained therein. Right on the front page you will find this delightful picture:

The related heading is "Evolutionary Racism of Hitler and Darwin". The image helps the reader along the journey to reach the realization that not only are the ideas of Darwin and Hitler similar, they may in fact be twins separated at birth. Also, let's not rule out entirely that if you are a believer in evolution there is a good chance that you are a closet Nazi.

There are a number of highlights on this website. Let's say you want to find out more about our recently elected president, Barrack Obama. Well, go here and you may discover that he is "likely the first Muslim President", "has consistently shown himself to be an elitist who looks down on 'ordinary' Americans", and that "He has no clear personal achievement that cannot be explained as the likely result of affirmative action".

Or maybe you want to know about Liberal Hypocrisy. Follow the link and you will discover everything you need to know including examples of that grave offenses committed by liberals such as George Clooney, Leo DiCaprio, Marky Mark (jury is still out on the funky bunch) , and Katie Couric.

The best part of Conservapedia is the man in charge, Andy Schlafly. Mr Schlafly is the spawn of activist Phyllis Schlafly, who occupies herself by running around giving speeches on how women are unhappy due to feminism. Conservapedia, like Wikipedia, has talk/discussion pages where users can discuss any topic and decide what is best for the associated page. Choose any random controversial topic and look up the talk page and just witness idiocy in all its glory. I'd love to detail some of these but being overly detailed on a blog and making posts to said blog at work are hardly conducive to a healthy career.

So, with that being said I think I need to finish things up at the office. First however, a new post...

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