Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rants of a Mad Man...

I have the pleasure of listening to Rush again as my usual programming is being preempted by Syracuse Chiefs Baseball (!!!...!...?.....) and just witnessed him covering his sizable cyst-infested ass over his "I hope Obama fails" comments. The economic problems, as we all know, are the fault of Obama. Every problem that the country faces, as we all know, are the fault of Obama. You see, I just learned that Bush's outgoing policies were actually good for the country and the reason that the economy has not yet had a miraculous recovery are due only to Obama.

And this is because... wait for it... Obama wants to destroy the economy! That's right, folks, Rush has cracked the code. The economy is hurtin' because Barack Hussein Obama wants it to fail. Why you might ask? Well, um..., it's because... umm... liberals? Yeah, liberals! Oh yeah, that's right, Rush has no idea what he is talking about so actual rational motive is not needed, just the right phrasing to get his faithful listeners to get stirred up in to a frenzy.

So anyway, Obama wants to destroy the economy, yada yada yada yada. So then he goes on to say that Obama is succeeding with his economic policy. Now since Rush is on record as saying he wants Obama to fail it all makes perfect sense to people who don't mind having facts made up out of thin air.

Obama wants to destroy the economy (for no apparent reason).

Rush wants Obama to fail (because he's a great American).

The economy is weak (starting exactly the day Obama took office and not a moment before).

Rush wins!

edit: Rush's economic team just declared President Bush's administration as the best at handling the economy. If this doesn't tell you all you need to know then what does.

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