Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Into the flood again...

... just to make a quick non-political hysteria note, I dug out a forgotten volume of the "Chuck's Mix" collection titled: Alice in Chains Mix. Creative, I know. Anyway, I need to find out where I stashed Facelift and get that in my regular rotation quick. Everyone knows "Man in the Box", of course. The two that really get me stoked, though, are "We Die Young" and "I Know Something (Bout you)".

It's a fricken shame that AIC is just another band with a singer who killed himself because, in their prime, they were amazing. Word is that there is a reunion in the works which is good news, but it won't be the same. Jerry Cantrell is a solid guitarist and probably a better singer than Layne Staley, but it was Layne that gave them their signature sound. There was something about the roar of the guitars with Staley's nasal howl that made them what they were.

I'll reserve judgement on this reunion and the new singer until I get to give it a good listen, but until then I'll content myself with digging out Facelift and Dirt and relive when music was actually good.

1 comment:

  1. AIC be the bomb son!!! Beleed dat!

    Seriously, I could listen to "Don't Follow" all day. Jar of Flys should be on repeat when I hit the crapper (little crapper??).
