Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Potpourri of politics & underpants

Well holy crap... I finally have a moment to breathe. Yesterday I was at work for about 12 hours and today I had another 8 insane crazy hours. Not leaving yet, but I just took a moment to peruse a few stories over at Huffingtonpost.com before getting back at it. Here's what stuck out:

Apparently, way too many Republicans believe stupid shit.
  • 39% believe Obama should be impeached. Why?
  • 36% believe Obama was not born here. Sigh...
  • 63% believe Obama is a socialist. Awesome.
  • 21% believe ACORN stole the 2008 election.
  • 23% believe their state should secede.
  • 53% believe Palin is more qualified.
This poll was conducted by Daily Kos, so it's possible that it's not completely legit. Being the open minded fellow that I am, I have listened to a number of conservative/ Republican pundits and have heard almost all of these points voiced on their shows at one point or another. The fact that, if this poll is correct, we can assume that at least 1 out of every 4 Republicans is firmly entrenched on the fringe is another reason why Democrats should abandon any hope they had of working with the Republicans.

The next article deals with underpants-bomber of Christmas '09. Obama administration opponents have had their panties in a bunch over the handling of the terrorist and believe that officials did everything in their power to protect that guy. The criticism lies in that this criminal was read his miranda rights before he had finished talking at which point he clammed up and ceased to give information. However, we have since learned that he was read his rights after he had finished talking. Guess how much that was discussed on conservative radio. Joe Scarborough? Pat Buchanan? Anybody?

In addition, we now know that the 2001 shoe bomber was also read his rights. Not only that, the man was read his rights 5 minutes after being taken in to custody. It's funny, I may have been drunk and fresh out of college at the time, but I do not recall hearing a Republican uproar about that event?

There isn't really too much to discuss about this, only one easy conclusion to make:
The Republicans are apt at politicizing terror.

This is, of course, nothing new. That was the platform they ran on in 2004. They took a failed terrorism attack in 2009 and have done nothing but pile on Obama. What happened on 9/11 when the worst terror act in history occurred? The nation pulled together. What happened in 2009 when one man fails in an attack? Impeach the president!!!

Why? I don't think there is any particular reason other than how worthless our current politicians are. Everything is a game to get back in power. I'd like to think there was a time when these fools worked together to make the country a better place. For now, though, scorched earth tactics rule the day.

My final political story of the day is on James O'Keefe, of the ACORN pimp n' hoe fame. This is the fellow that broke open the floodgates on the community organization with only a ridiculous costume, a smokin hottie dressed like a skank, heavily doctored footage of ACORN offices, and the balls-to-the-wall enthusiasm of Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly.

O'Keefe was recently arrested for a plot that he and 3 others had to unveil the malicious reasons that N.O. senator Mary Landrieu for not responding quickly enough to her constituents. These four boneheads dressed up like telephone guys and lied their way in to her office where they attempted to tamper with the phones.

Since then, O'Keefe has enjoyed the full compliment of FOX News to speak up in his favor and speak about how wrongful the arrest of these 4 bright young flowery men has been. Oddly enough, it is the craziest of them all, Beck, who has backed away from these actions the quickest.

I can only imagine what the response of FOX would have been had these 4 been minorities, rather than 4 white boys of affluent backgrounds. You know it would be a shit storm. Call them what they are: criminals. Not only were they stupid enough to think a game of dress up would be sufficient, they brought this rookie shit to a government office. Again, change the skin color or religion of these children and there is no doubt that Rush Limbaugh would be on the radio crying about how weak Obama was in the face of a terrorist attack.

And finally, and perhaps the most important, we come to the last story of note. The February issue of Cosmo has declared that the thong is dead. I can't really tell why, and it will be a cold day in hell when I crack open an issue of Cosmo and try to figure out why. I just think they're wrong. A large segment of the female population hate the idea of visible underpants lines. I assume that many also feel that they make them feel sexy. And what will the strippers do without them? So fuck you, Cosmo. There's a good thing going on and your blatant use of propaganda and attempts to create a story will not be tolerated. So go back to writing stories about "100 ways to please your man" and leave the serious stuff for the professionals.

What kind of half-ass operation are they running over there anyways.

'til next time piiiiilgrims

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