Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Barrack Obama is being punk'd"

A nice little article from Albert Brooks:

"Okay. Time is up. Barack Obama is being punk'd.

Sarah Palin had notes written on her hand at the same moment that she was making fun of Obama for using a teleprompter. One of the radio "hosts" who makes fun of the teleprompter daily said that Palin's notes on her hand were "endearing." The "host" also blamed Obama for televising his day with the Republican leadership, saying that if he was serious, he would have done it in private. This was after a solid month of daily beatings for not making the health care negotiations public.

The Democratic Party can now be assured forever that nothing, nothing, nothing they will do will stop the insanity. Or Sean Insanity, whatever you want to call it. If they are hoping for good publicity from the majority media, (yes, I'm sorry Fox, but you are now the highest rated news network) forget it. Writing on the hand is okay, teleprompter is not. Opening up health care is okay, opening up the meeting with Republicans is not. It would not surprise me if Ashton Kutcher popped out of the West Wing and told Obama that he has been punk'd.

The swift boat ad that killed John Kerry was not an aberration, it was just the beginning. They took a man who actually served in Vietnam and made him a coward compared to a man who didn't. And people bought it. Now it's everywhere. Right is wrong, wrong is right, crazy is normal, good is bad, hot is cold. I am not sure what the anti-Christ's plan is, but I can't imagine this is not part of it."

Couldn't have said it better myself, which is why my ramblings are on this little blog, and not somewhere important.


  1. Rush, Hannity, Sowell, etc... saying what they believe is not okay... but Rachel Maddow or even your daily rhetoric is?

    -- speaking of hypocrisy over the past few days maybe you should do some self evaluation and write a post on that.

    Of course... living up to the liberalism stigma:

    "We tolerate everyone but the intolerant"

    So whatever... blog on good friend... blog on...

  2. Your comment doesn't even make sense.

    a) It's fine for all those turd burglars to say what they believe,

    2) I didn't say anything about Maddow in this entire post,

    D) Please elaborate on my much needed self-evaluation or feel free to share if you have already evaluated for me,

    underpants) I wasn't aware that what you said was a liberal stigma, but I have no idea how it even applies to the quote I picked up,

    b) Thank you, I will.
