Thursday, November 19, 2009

Keep the squirrels out of it.

"His name is Twiggy the Squirrel,and he's three years old. How 'bout that? That squirrel can water-ski. Man, that's hilarious."

Today must be politics ranting Thursday. Maybe I'll try to limit my politics beef to Thursday, it might bring some organization to the mix. Anyway, I happen to live in the congressional district recently made famous by the likes of national heavyweights like Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin as they piped in on the election between Doug Hoffman and Bill Owens.

I've heard about hotly contested congressional seats before but this is the first time I have ever been at ground zero. My God was it annoying. There was non-stop commercials on tv, invasive phone calls, and radio commercials every 5 seconds. You have no idea how much I was praying for it to just come and go. But not even the actual election would make the drama disappear.

Nope, instead of nice neat landslide victory for Hoffman, as everyone was predicting, it had to be a close victory for Owens, the evil-liberal-socialist-Pelosi-Democrat (Hoffman's words, not mine). Hoffman ended up conceding and that should have been that.

But wait! Hold the phone, it turns out that as the straggling votes were being counted, it was actually much closer.In the days following the election, and with a few thousand absentee ballots to go through, there was still a glimmer of hope for Hoffman, the common-sense-conservative-Reagan-Republican (Hoffman's words, not mine). There was hope yet for Republicans to regain their 150 year strangle hold on upstate New York!

Hoffman has already proven to me to be a minor nuisance compared to the big guns in the country. He publicly complained about not being given questions far enough in advance, bitched constantly about socialism and Pelosi, and showed everyone that he knew nothing at all about the area. His interviews basically consisted of him repeating ad nauseum that he was a "common sense conservative", whatever the hell that means. I even witnessed him gushing on the Glenn Beck show how much he learns from him and essentially declared his love for Beck. In essence, he looked immature and inept, at best.

The election should have made him go away. However, the updated vote count kept him hanging around, and announced (On Beck's show) that he was un-conceded. That's fine. However, he decided to open his mouth again, and it is painfully apparent that he is extremely immature. He's now blaming the whole thing on ACORN. It's really embarrassing, and I feel bad for him. The ACORN thing is such an obvious grab for more donations. The likes of Beck and co have done such an amazing job building of the infamy of ACORN that conservatives everywhere have declared the organization as a sworn enemy.

The final count on this vote should have been completed on Monday. Hopefully this time it will end the issue, and I won't have to hear about the 23rd until... next year? Shit.

Update: Hoffman has given up on the election again and will not file any charges. Don't worry though, he will most likely return to the thick of the Upstate NY action next year for another edition of "Democrats, Chicago Politics, and ACORN.. Oh My!!!".

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