Friday, November 6, 2009

Ain't no party like a crazy tea party cause a crazy tea party don't.......


Christ almighty, just when you think the Republican party has reached the limits of acting the fool, they go ahead and show you just how much further they're willing to take things.

The latest batch of lunacy has come courtesy of a woman who, more often than not, I can never remember if she is a pundit or an actual elected representative: Michelle Bachmann.

You may know Bachmann for a number of incidents. She's a recently elected senator from Minnesota who seems to be doing her best to get a firm monopoly on crazy.

Last year she famously called for a full investigation in to members of Congress for "anti-American behavior". She then, somehow, was re-elected with 46% of the vote. I could spend a number of blog postings on the weird shit she gets in to but I really just want to talk about the most recent tea party bidness.

Bachmann recently called upon all of the loyal Fox News subjects to march on the Capital yesterday to protest against the health reform bill, bringing their fight right to the heart of the matter. She was quoted as saying the protesters should "scare" lawmakers in to killing the bill. I find it hard to believe that this woman would encourage citizens to engage in bully tactics and intimidation. Honestly, the right can criticize and make claims that we are being attacked by socialism and maoism and maxism and however many "isms" they want; the fact remains that they are allowing themselves to become a party built on dictatorships, despotism, and mostly mob-rule.

So, the tea party hooligans were at it again, descending on D.C. with a number of signs telling the world just how out-of-their-fucking-minds they are. A number of these tools were arrested in Pelosi's office for trashing copies of the bill.

I'm sure this is no laughing matter to the members of Congress who have to stand face to face with these lunatics, but to the rest of the right thinking people, these efforts are laughable. Perhaps the most hilarious clip is the one of Rep Akin leading the crowd in a rousing rendition of the "Pledge of Allegiance". The hilarity comes as he declares that the pledge "drives liberals crazy", which was met by laughter.

HAHAHAHAHA! That's right! Those fucking liberals are going to be driven to their knees by the mighty pledge! Well, this one proved to be ineffective to my liberal sensitivities. However, the potency of the attack may have been reduced by the fact that he fucked it all up. How embarrassing. Apparently Akin is not familiar with the components of a spell, and that failing on the verbal will cause it to dissipate from memory. Now he'll have to return to an inn and restore that particular spell back to his memory before he can use it again. What a fuckin n00b.

Throughout that whole ordeal I found myself thinking of the Knights who say "ni"

Perhaps they will send Pelosi on a quest to find a shrubbery. Maybe she'll even have to chop it down with a herring.

Anyway, I thought that the recent election would be the peak of the lunacy for the right this week. After hearing for weeks how NY-23 was the race to watch and seeing a number of conservative heavyweights back up interloper Doug Hoffman, that race suddenly became meaningless when Democrat Bill Owens won in a district that has been strictly Republican for 150 years. "No no no, you've got it all wrong. The governor races of VA and NJ were the real forum on America, and America has decided 'down with Obama!!!!'!!!". !!! !

It is becoming apparent that the Republicans are being hijacked by a minority of extremists. They have three things going for them though: they are fucking loaded with money, they are loud as shit, and they're so off-the-chain crazy that nothing will stop them.

But maybe this will:



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