Friday, April 9, 2010

Nukular stupidity

Oy! I can't take it! Short and sweet. Obama recently signed a treaty with Russian president Sergei Fedorov that will get the ball rolling on ending the presence of nuclear weapons. Now commence over-reaction from conservative pundits.

Hannity, Buchanan, Scarborough, Palin, Bachmann, Savage, Gingrich.... it's almost like they all received the same marching orders to go apeshit and announce that Obama has neutered the country. The way they are spinning it is that he has ordered the destruction of all nuclear arms. That is what they are telling everybody. These fucks are shamelessly running around like chickens with their heads cut off declaring that we are now defenseless. Oh where is Ronald Reagan to save us all!

Now to the truth. Short and simple. We are reducing our nuclear arms to a level of over a thousand. We are still able to use nuclear force against countries not signing on to this treaty. We can only use nuclear weapons against countries that have nuclear weapons. That pretty much sums up everything.

Jon Stewart does what he does here, pointing out the fact that these people are misleading:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Big Bang Treaty
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

The best part of that clip would perhaps be Reagan declaring that he would like the complete elimination of all nuclear weapons. I can not get over how the same schmucks that repeat how we need to return to Reagan conservatism would be the first to declare Reagan a RINO if he were president today. It's hilarious.

On the way home from the awesomeness on Tipp Hill last night I found Mike Savage on the radio and listened in since all three of the sports stations were talking golf. ZOMG!! Tiger Woods is playing golf again! Anyway, I kind of like Savage. He seems sincere in his beliefs. Hannity I find to be the most sleazy scumbag to walk the earth, O'Reilly seems mostly senile and tries to pretend too much at being reasonable, Beck is a manipulative scare-mongerer, and Rush is a fuck; but Savage seems to be tolerable. That might seem odd as he is easily the most insane of the flock of pundits but at least when he speaks I believe him. Last night, however, he was just being stupid.

He was discussing this treaty and concluded that Obama signed it because he thinks that Obama wants us to get bombed by other countries. Seriously. He then played a clip from the speech where Obama says that he wants to make progress towards a nuclear free world. Savage then stopped the tape and went on for 5 minutes that when Obama said "progress" he was sending a secret message that would signal to all the communist progressives that he was working towards the goal of leaving us defenseless. It was kind of crazy. Almost like in movies where they used to flash some food on one section of film and all of a sudden you're all like "damn, i want some fucking junior mints". Like I said, Savage is a bit nuts.

I should be used to it at this point but it becomes more evident every day that conservatives are waging a massive misinformation war on Obama that does nothing but manipulate and mislead their viewers. It's disgusting that issues important to our lives would be turned in to a game for these ass hats but I really don't know what else I would expect.

I applaud Obama in his efforts to end the role of nuclear weapons. Reagan would applaud Obama in his efforts as well. In fact, we all should applaud him. He is not leaving us defenseless. We still have multiple nukes left for each country if need be. It's another step in a long journey since the Cold War and the opponents of this action are either ignorant or self-serving. Either one is a fucking shame.

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