Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stand up and be counted... or not

Lately there's been too much stupid going on in politics in the wake of the health care debate for me to sort it out. Combine that with a rise of many exciting sports happenings and all the political noise quietly takes a back seat. Lately though I've been hearing some really really idiotic bickering about the friggin census. The census? That's right. The census.

Only in today's political retard-ery can you find seemingly normal Americans arguing about the census. I'm not quite sure how the whole debate began but it seems to me that someone on the right started spreading the idea that the census was a tool of the Obama administration used to keep track of everybody in an evil Big Brother sort of way. Michelle Bachmann and others like herself have also been pushing the idea that participating in the census would somehow allow the Obama administration to round everyone up and stick them in internment camps like we did with Japanese-Americans during World War II. Michelle Bachman is also a crazy person.

What is it that could drive seemingly normal people to become this paranoid? The current mindset of the most vocal opposition of Obama seems to take every single piece of propaganda and treat it like gods-honest gospel. We are less than halfway through one term of Obama's presidency and I have heard just about every accusation that you could make of a man. There is no interest in anyone educating themselves. It's simply a daily process of people listening/ reading/ watching hour after hour of political punditry and then repeating it ad nauseum to anyone who will listen. It's an all too frequent event where I hear conservative individuals all use the same phrases and talking points almost the exact same day.

These people were the same that caused an uproar that Obama was going to indoctrinate our children when he addressed schools last year. It's a shame they have no idea they are allowing themselves to be indoctrinated for hours every single day.

You know the people. We have a local radio guy who comes on after Rush and Beck who actually has a level head. He will say something on the show about how the propaganda du jour is ridiculous and all of a sudden a flood of phone calls come in from all the sheep. They'll say "It's true that blah blah blah". He'll respond, "Ok, why?" and these people have literally no answer other than, "Well Rush said...", or, "Don't you think Obama wants this country to fall apart", and absolutely nothing to back it up. When pushed further they start sputtering nonsense and start calling the host a liberal and it just descends from there. That's right, because if you have no idea what you are talking about then the host must be a liberal.

These ideas are easily picked up through rote learning but it does absolutely nothing for your critical thinking.

As opposed to several other essays in stupidity, I actually want these people to continue believing this horseshit about the census. When Eric Erickson from Redstate and CNN says he is going to shoot a census worker, just let him talk like that. The best thing about this is that the more these people refuse to complete the census it simply means that their district will be counted less in upcoming elections. That's the beauty in this whole hot mess of dumb. These people are allowing their own nonsense to render them irrelevant. It'll be awfully hard for them to "take their country back" if this keeps up, don't you think?

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