Monday, March 1, 2010

"We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change"

I'm not the biggest Al Gore fan in the world but I do admire his efforts. Unfortunately, Gore is one of the least charismatic politicians to ever grace the earth. I honestly believe that he would have been a much better president than George W Bush, but I also believe that Bush was more suited to the tasks that fell to him in the wake of 9/11. However, the whole Iraq thing will forever tarnish him in my eyes.

But this isn't a Bush/Gore critique so moving on...

Gore recently wrote in to the New York Times with, what I think, is a really good piece on the recent climate change hysteria. I'm not sure why he is wasting his time with addressing the people who think a snow storm during winter in DC automatically makes climate change a hoax while ignoring the fact that Vancouver was experiencing weather in the 50s while trying to conduct the Winter Olympics. The weather in one place at one time does not a global climate theory make.

But now such esteemed minds as Sean Hannity and random twitter guy are calling for Gore to be called before Congress to face charges of fraud. Really? So working on this case for years has suddenly become a crime because of a snow storm in the nations capital? It's mind-blowingly insane.

Give the piece a read, it might make sense to you. At the very least for the haters it'll give you something to get cranky about.


  1. You can't slap one hand without slapping the other here...

    how do you propose global warming by citing D.C. getting dumped, on but Vancouver being in the 50's??? by that logic you might as well advocate global cooling.

    I'm not from Seattle, but I hear it's one of the wettest cities in the nation starting around this time of year... and vancouver isn't too far away.

  2. Here's the difference: You don't hear the legitimate supporters of climate change declaring that the weather in Vancouver is an essay on the weather on the entire globe. I bring it up to note the hypocrisy in these rather lame ideas. If there are supporters of that theory making such a declaration then they are just as stupid as those who think a snowy day in CNY debunks climate change.

    However, it is the loudest of the critics including the entire FOX new network who follow that incredibly simplified and ignorant line of thought.
