Monday, January 4, 2010

"The only cosmonaAAUUUTTTT"

Happy New Year, fuckers!!!

Merry Christmas and all that other happy horseshit, too. This newest of blog posts comes inspired by the crunchiness of one, Andrew Stockdale and his band of interchangeable parts.


I wasn't overly impressed with the first Wolfmother album and it took a delayed liking of "Woman" to gain my interest. That, "Colossal", and "Love Train" are the only songs I can actually remember. At that point the band slowly crept away from my mind and was soon forgotten amongst a horde of bands that have come and gone (Full Devil Jacket, Audiovent, Big Wreck, etc.).

It was by pure bored curiosity that I looked in to their latest, Cosmic Egg, and shit did I have a good time with it. Sure, it may have had something to do with enjoying a fine selection of Sam Adams finest, but the rockin that occurred that evening was fan-tastic.

The reviews that I found for the album are a mixed bag, and the kiss of death known as good-review-by-Rolling-Stone is also present, but my own mind has been made up in the matter.

Again I have to vent on the pretentious world of music reviewer. Who do these people think they are? I read in not one but two reviews that Wolfmother would be better served to be more like The White Stripes. Why? Is it that awful for a band to do their own thing? The similarities between Wolfmother and Led Zeppelin, Jet, and the Stripes are bound to occur if only that they are rock bands with a singer who can reach some of those nut clenching higher registers, but it doesn't mean that one must go out of their fucking way to make that comparison every other fucking paragraph. "Er... blah blah blah look at me the music snob. This music is reminiscent of such bands as blah blah blah because I like them better and know more shit than you." Suck a dick. And I can't stop asking, what is so special about the fucking White Stripes? In fact, excuse me for a moment while I ask that very question on facebook.

Anywho, the riffs on this album are sick. None of the mindless noodling that drives me nuts in most guitar virtuosos, just crunchy fast, epic riffage. Sign me up on that shit. The new rhythm section is tight and hard.

Bands like this always get my attention if they churn out a product I like. At heart I love singers like Eddie Vedder or Scott Weilland (from the Core days, before the drug use tore up his lungs). I like the singing lower. Whiny voices make me want to choke people. So when groups like Wolfmother, Jane's Addiction, and Smashing Pumpkins get my attention, it's an especially big deal for me.

So for those of you keeping score, Peter Steele: Yes

Brendan Brown: No

Just sayin'

Now this post has taken entirely too long, and it's year end time and my ass is swamped with TPS reports. Later hosers.

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