Friday, September 4, 2009

Save the children!!

The audacity of people is sickening sometimes. I just found that the sick communist socialist Marxist FREAK in the oval office is planning on giving a speech to the children of this once-proud nation. So, not only do WE THE PEOPLE have to listen to this clown's rhetoric day after day he is now trying to bypass the buffer we provide and invade the children right in the spawning ground of liberal indoctrination, the public school system!

The Hitler-wannabe is currently trying to make it sound like he wants to encourage children to "work hard" and "stay in school" but if anyone believes that nonsense then they don't count anyway. It doesn't take a genius to realize that he will be pushing his commie agenda where minds are most impressionable.

When George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan addressed the schools in their time, that was a time to be proud of. When our children accompanied us to the Town Hall meetings bearing signs reading, "Don't kill my Grandma!", that was patriotism. But this... "message" the messiah wishes to send to the children is unwanted! Hopefully those districts in great states like Texas who are refusing to participate in this message will inspire others to do the same. The people have spoken!


  1. complete ridiculousness isn't it??? -- absolutely NO one protested Reagan and Bush addressing the nations youth. Why now???

  2. Why? Everything you need to know why people NEED to be upset about Obama can be found here:

    Of course they miss some things but when you have a man as corrupt and pure evil as Obama, it's tough to get it all in one spot.

    Here's one that was definitely missed

    As to why no one protested Reagan or Bush, well, it can be certainly said that no REAL Americans had a problem with it. Of course some commie pinko Democraps thought that it wasn't right for a President to mix politics with education.

    The great Newt Gingrich had this to say to those fucks:

    "Why is it political for the president of the United States to discuss education? It was done at a nonpolitical site and was beamed to a nonpolitical audience. . . . They wanted to reach the maximum audience with the maximum effect to improve education."

    If only the same could be said of today's travesty as PEBO (not legally pres in my book) tries to indoctrinate the children. If I had some they'd be stayin' at home. Damn straight.
