Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Exhibit A why politics are ridiculous

I don't even know why I am wasting my time with this. I've spent all day listening to sports radio hearing about Obama's pitch last night. I didn't catch it myself because I was bored sitting through a solid hour of pregame ceremonies and flipped to the game just after Obama hugged it out with King Albert.

So, on the station I listen to the first thing I hear are douchebags that fill in for Don Imus whenever the cowboy is at his ranch and not on the radio. These guys are complete knuckleheads who do nothing but complain and take juvenile jabs at Democrats about everything they possibly can in between setting up for the next "best of Imus" clip that they have to run. How this show was deemed more worthy of being on Syracuse Sports Radio 620 than "The Steve Czaban Show", which is actually about sports, is beyond me. Anyway, those two clowns were ripping on the pitch and talking about the boos as if Obama was run out of the stadium. So, according to these guys, Obama throws like a girl, missed horribly, and should have been saving the economy instead. Have fun with your minor radio gig. There are reasons you will never advance.

Next was Dan Patrick, which is nice because it's actually sports and good radio. They talked about the pitch, too, which was annoying. But Dan and the Danettes aren't hysterical conservative tools so I was able to survive.

The one that's really been annoying has been is the Chris Myers show. There's a couple guys on this one and I can't tell who is who but according to these guys there was a big ol conspiracy where the White House was instructed not to show the results of the pitch in case it was a bad throw. Then there is some numbskull calling in to tell them that an alternate camera angle clearly shows that the ball hit the dirt. Here is a video I found which shows the ball clearly did not hit the dirt, asshole. Here's what happened.

Obama made the pitch from the mound. Pujols saved him by catching it just in front of home plate. Not a great throw by any means. But, unlike the party which is currently super bitter about losing to a socialist (communist? fascist? despot? dictator? nazi??? make up your minds retards), we don't judge the effectiveness and find strange consolation from the results of a pitch at an all star game. So, one of the idiots on the radio went on to say how the American people like our presidents to be athletic and then went on to say how good George W's pitch was. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but which sport requires athleticism: baseball or basketball? That's right, I went with David Wells vs Tom Gugliotta. What of it? Anyway, I look at the debate like this:

Choice A
President throws pitch for a ball
President also
  • shows interest in foreign relations
  • appears willing to come up with new solutions to economic problems
  • shows an interest in maybe not bombing every country that disagrees with us
  • will listen to people with actual experience in knowledge in a field rather than "yes men"
  • does not receive direct word from God to initiate a crusade
  • can speak english, albeit with a stutter and case of the "ummms"
  • isn't retarded

Choice B

President throws strikes
President also

  • decides to initiate a war of choice prior to having reason for said war
  • gets cranky when in presence of dissenting opinions
  • doesn't like explaining himself to common people
  • cuts taxes during war
  • makes up english as he goes along
  • is more interested in vacationing than running the most powerful country in the world
  • is retarded

Alright, I'm bored with this. Later


  1. Talk more about Pearl Jam, sandwiches, and the like.

  2. I agree with Toastie.

    -- however, on a side note... why aren't we allowed to bust on Obama's arm strength (not limited to MLB all-star games), when people make a large deal about his predictions for the NCAA tournament or his pick in the NBA Finals?

    "He's so intelligent, he knew who was going to win"

    -- real hard picking the number one seed.

  3. People are allowed to make fun of him all they want. I thought the digs about him wearing "old lady jeans" were funny. I was just getting disgusted with the conspiracy theorists and the d-bag calling in to Fox Sports Radio yelling how alternate camera angles clearly show the ball hitting the dirt. It's just stupid.

    I wasn't aware that he had picked the NCAA tournament correctly though. Or I forgot. Anyway, I'll allow credit for that. There's millions of dollars being gambled every year with people trying to predict the winner. Lord knows I've never gotten it right. Then again, I don't know shit about college hoops. I'm sure that there were some people giving an undue amount of praise over his picks though. I can see how that would be obnoxious.

    Thanks for posting, it showed me my video link is bogus.

  4. My Googs picture is gone too!?! What the hell? I'm running a blog here people!
