Thursday, September 10, 2009

You stay classy

Joe Wilson is a douchebag.

Yeah, this guy

Not only was he a douchebag for heckling the Pres last night, some of his fellow Republicans think he's a douchebag as well. Sure, McCain doesn't actually say "Joe Wilson is a douchebag", but I'll just go ahead and say that's what he was really thinking.

But he's not the only douchebag. There were a number of Republicans that also joined in the douchebagery. There were two types: the ones who spent their time playing on cell phones and the ones waving around their bill. You know would happen if I was in a business meeting and I started playing with my phone? I'd get my ass handed to me. And as for the others, they look like the doofus who was waving around her birth certificate at the town hall meeting. You are now in the minority because the majority of USA voters thought you sucked. You should have come up with a meeting or two a couple years ago. So stop spouting to every media outlet you can find about how you know what the "American people" really want. If that was the case you wouldn't be staring at Nancy Pelosi hopping up to start the applause every 30 seconds.

That being said, good speech. I normally can't stand these things. This one I could actually handle. All I can say is Obama had better be ready to back up alot of his claims. There are two in particular that he best be bringing his A game. First, if he doesn't stay true to his claim about not signing any bill that doesn't have all the costs covered, this could be one of those signature administration wreckers along the lines of "No new taxes" and "I did not have sexual relations with that girl". Second, there was a lot of tough talk against the Republicans. They have been running roughshod all over him so far, and if it turns out that it was as all talk, then it's curtains for this guy. The USA citizens don't want to be run by a pussy. So man up and be true to your word, Barry. Your job is at stake.

edit: I forgot to mention that the illegal immigration issue has already been debunked.


  1. he hasn't been a pussy thusfar? backing down on the health care bill he was rock solid on before august, and before that apologizing to the world for our actions? yeah... this guy's got balls.

  2. Dude, did you not read what I said? In the sentence right before that I said "They have been running roughshod all over him so far, and if it turns out that it was as all talk, then it's curtains for this guy."

    The sentence you are referring to I say, "The USA citizens don't want to be run by a pussy." I didn't say that Obama hasn't been one.
