Thursday, May 20, 2010

She turned me in to a newt!

... apparently he didn't get better, though.

My last post inspired me to attempt to recall all the political douchebaggery that has been going on.

First of all we have Newt Gingrich. I need to remind you all that Newt was made famous by conducting a witch hunt on Bill Clinton's extra marital activities while Newt himself was busy being a less than perfect husband. This by no means clears Bill's name, but it certainly does leave quite a shit stain on his own.

So in case you didn't hear, Obama recently nominated some lady to the Supreme Court. There isn't a lot of history on this lady but opponents have been doing their best to find issues and fucking run with them.

If there's one thing that conservatives can agree upon is that, despite their own Ivy League educations, they hate fancy pants faggy elitist Ivy League Schools. Harvard qualifies. So this Kagan lady at one point worked at Harvard. So here's what Newt comes up with:

"On the one hand, Harvard accepts money from Saudis. Saudi Arabia, by the way, executes homosexuals. Saudi Arabia represses women. Saudi Arabia does not allow Christians or Jews to practice their religion, but Saudi money is fine."

The irony? Newt was on Fox news at the time. He's a paid contributor. Fox news happens to be partially owned by a Saudi prince. That, my friends, is too good to be true.

On top of that, her lack of experience in court was a bad bad thing, says Newt & Co. However, similar lack of experience was ok with John Roberts. Why? Because Roberts was conservative.

So it's just political hypocrisy as usual. But whatever, let's burn the bitch anyways.

This is actually the only thing I'm going to get to for now. I should really get some effing work done.


  1. Despite her party association and where she gets her money from, my dislike of her stems from her view (or at least the view i perceived based on a quote i saw recently) on freedom of speech.

    I'd also like to add how we've never seen democrats take someones relatively unknown background and run with it -- See: Sarah Palin

  2. The criticisms about Palin's background were a direct response of Republicans going after Obama. You know that.

    However it is certainly a bipartisan thing to criticize lack of experience on the other side while ignoring the same on your own. I imagine Democrats went after John Roberts at the time of his nomination.

    Consider this a short essay on the hypocrisy of Newt Gingrich; perhaps one of the worst practitioners of that art that I've seen in my lifetime. It wouldn't be quite a big deal if he didn't run his mouth on so many things that people know are twisted.
