Friday, May 7, 2010

Set Adrift on Memories of Lists

So lately I've had entirely too little time to devote to blogging. Quick and easy solution? Lists! Everyone likes lists. Lists are American. The only people who hate lists are terrorists, communists, and that Bieber kid. I'm on to you little boy.

Seeing as how I've been on an STP kick lately I figured I'd start there. I was recently trying to figure out a new iPod and going through my tunes I was reminded that STP did in fact come out with other albums than Core and Purple. They were just mostly forgettable.

Anywho, what can be more exciting than lists associated with the Stone Temple Pilots? Tons of shit. But that's what I'm doing.

Top 5 STP Albums (because there are only 5... until May 27th that is)

#5 - Shangri-La Dee Da
Oddly enough, my rankings are almost in the same order that these albums were released. There are very few stand out songs from Shangri blah blah blah. "Coma" is a pretty nice tune with a heavy riff that I enjoy. Others, not so much. "Song for Sleeping" is another song giving Weiland the opportunity to croon. The two singles were "Days of the Week" and "Hollywood Bitch", both of which were very pop-rock and neither impressing me too much.

#4 - No. 4
This cd was supposed to be their "return to Core-esque sound". There are a couple songs that are kind of awesome but they sound nothing like anything from Core. "Down" and "Heaven and Hotrods" are nice and loud. "Sour Girl" is one of their most popular songs and had an extra trippy video as well. Unfortunately, this cd continued a trend that Tiny Music started and Shangri perfected: too many filler songs.

#3 - Tiny Music
This was, unfortunately, the beginning of STP getting weird. At the time it was kind of cool because it looked like they were branching out (a la Pearl Jam's No Code) but after seeing where they ended up it's evident that they lost the ability to write some great songs that they exhibited early on. This is also when Weiland's voice was noticeably breaking down. On their first two albums he sang strong, man. Anyway, standouts were "Ride the Cliche" and "Big Bang Baby". The rest of the album was tolerable. "Lady Picture Show", "Tumble in the Rough", "Pop's Love Suicide" were ok as well but it's a bad sign when instrumentals like "Press Play" and "Daisy" were two of my favorites. My main take on STP has always been this: Weiland may have been the star but the talent contained by Eric Kretz on drums and the DeLeo brothers on guitar & bass put him to shame.

#2 - Core
Alright alright. From the first shouted verse of "Dead and Bloated" by a Weiland who had not yet destroyed his voice through drugs and alcohol I knew that I was going to love this band. STP was the first real "alternative rock" group that I really got in to. At that point I think my favorites were MC Hammer and Def Leppard and had not yet become the music snob that I am now. Core changed everything for me. Their first four singles of "Wicked Garden", "Sex Type Thing", "Creep", and their anthem "Plush" were so amazing that they really overshadowed that there was another half of the album that were nearly as strong. "Crackerman" remains one of my favorite songs ever and the nearly 8 minute segment of "No Memory" and "Sin" touch on an incredibly unique bit of song writing that they never again touched. To this day I still do not understand the criticism that STP came under upon releasing this album. If you have read my blog at all you know my take on the douches who review music albums. They can suck it.

#1 - Purple
I still remember the day that I went out and bought the this tape. I was literally counting down the days until it came out and then begged my mother to take me to Riverside Mall. Purple remains one of my favorite albums of all time as it is one of those rare albums I can listen to from start to finish with no weak spots.
"Meatplow" is kind of cheesy but I love the fact that I kicked off two albums with completely heavy meathead sort of songs. I want to get a kick in the pants when I throw a cd in. Give it to me! Give it to me HARD!
"Vasoline" is so simple it's awesome. 'nuff said.
"Lounge Fly" remains an odd favorite for me. It's great to sing to and touched on a weird sort of brilliance without alienation.
"Interstate Love Song" one of the best songs ever written, in my opinion. I remember spending days trying to perfect the bass line and it remains one of my favorites. If there's one other thing I can say about Purple is that it is chock full of sweet bass lines. Great to play along to.
"Still Remains" I really like this song. It served as a great change of pace tune and to this day I am still trying to figure out if he's telling ladies he wants a threesome.
"Pretty Penny" love this song. Absolutely 100%. There really isn't much else to say.
"Silvergun Superman" Yaaaawww! Not only was it awesome to get a kick in the pants at the start it's even more awesome to get an even great pants kickin in the second half. This song is yet another reminder that at one point Weiland did not sound like a drugged out coked out smoked out dranked out has been singer.
"Big Empty" another all time favorite and another sweet bass play-along. That little bass interlude remains one of my favorite licks of all time. The song itself is positively epic.
"Unglued" again, one of my all time favorite songs. Very simple, very fast, very short. VERY AWESOME.
"Army Ants" Yes! That drum fill leading in to the guitar solo is one of the reasons the Good Lord invented music.
"Kitchenware & Candybars" a perfect ending. Well played boys.

So there you have it. I can only hope that the new STP joint coming out this month is a return to the early 90s stuff.

Have a great weekend boners!

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