Friday, October 2, 2009

Into the flood again... again?

Some random Friday things...

I had no idea that the new incarnation of Alice in Chains had released their first CD in something like 50 years until I checked out Deadspin this morning. Read through the football previews a bit and you'll see their youtube link to the first single. It's uncanny how new guy sounds so much like Staley. The song itself sounds so much like vintage AinC it's ridiculous. So, as can be expected, I'm mighty stoked about this. My music preferences for some reason seem to be stuck on repeat in the 1990-1995 era and haven't been able to move past brooding lyrics, thick ugly distortion, and subject matter mostly limited to losing buddies to heroin. That's Alice in Chains to a T. My lunch break may feature a trip over to Best Buy (and Subway?) later. Or perhaps I will have to scoot on home after work and visit Isohunt instead. Viva le Grunge!

And in other Friday surprises, I was also unaware that hockey started yesterday. If you were a casual ESPN radio listener you would think that the only thing that happened yesterday was this:


rather than this:

Washington 4, Boston 1

Montreal 4, Toronto 3 OT

Calgary 5, Vancouver 3

Colorado 5, San Jose 2

Ever since the NHL signed on with Vs and broke off their relationship with ESPN, the worldwide leader has made it painfully clear that they could give two shits about hockey. If there is a person alive who cares more about Who's Now than what's happening in hockey they deserve to be sodomized with Stuart Scott's head.

Still, hockey's back and that is good for me. Despite the fact that it hasn't gotten out of the 40s here in central New York this is the best time of year. Baseball playoffs, Football, and Hockey all at my disposal. Thus ends my pathetic attempts at being outside and active as those give way to sitting in front of teevees, eating shitty food covered in cheese, and pounding Pabst Blue Ribbons. You gotta love sports!

In other news, Letterman let on last night that he's been getting down and dirty with some of his co-workers. Apparently some douche on another show has known about it and has been trying to extort some cash from Letterman. I honestly don't know if I care. Of course it's a dick move as it's safe to assume that this has been going on while he's been with whatever lady he recently married, but who's to say that they haven't already addressed this privately. Still, extortion-guy really fucked up by trying to blackmail him. You're just getting your own ass in trouble in that situation.


  1. Dude, no idea if you listened to that album at all, but it kicks ass... I'm surprised you haven't heard "check my brain" on the radio.

  2. I don't catch much radio these days other than sports. I finally heard the song on a trip to Geneva yesterday and I've been giving the cd some limited play time in the cd player. So far, so good.
