Thursday, October 22, 2009

"I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this"

That's Tool gettin it done!

A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to watch a couple movies I've been wanting to see. First off was District 9. I heard a lot of good things about it and it's symbolism and sci-fi goodness. When I finally got to see it I have to say that the reviews were dead on. The movie was bad ass. Sure, there was a bunch of plot holes, but I won't let that get in the way. Parts of it were slightly disturbing, as advertised, and taken as the metaphor that it is supposed to be I suppose it's moving on a human level. The action was the main selling point, though. I'd definitely give it a couple extra viewings.

Final verdict: 4 Lebowskis

I also got to take Transformers 2 for a ride. The reviews weren't nearly as kind to this one and more than one fancy pants movie critic went out of his or her way to shit directly on the fine work of Bay. As I said in a previous post, people who even consider seeing this movie know what they have coming. They're not looking for something deep and thoughtful. They want robot battles. You think it's easy delivering a robot battle? Eh, the movie was entertaining for the most part. Waaaay too long though. If I recall correctly this thing clocked in at over 2 hours. Totally unnecessary. If I had to pick the thing that bothered me the most it would have to be that way too many generic Transformers were inserted in to this thing for the simple purpose of providing a death count. Kind of lame. But, Optimus and Bumblebee tore some shit up, Turturro is good, Sam's parents are funny, Megan did her thing, and it appears that they have this thing set up for an infinite number of sequels.

Final Verdict: 3 Lebowskis.

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